Penney Clark

Penney Clark, University of British Columbia

University of British Columbia
Director, THEN/HiER

Penney Clark is Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia and Director, The History Education Network/Histoire et education en réseau (THEN/HiER) (funded by a $2.1 million Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Strategic Clusters Grant). Her research interests include history teaching and learning and curriculum in historical and political contexts. Her publications include articles in the Canadian Journal of Education, the American Journal of Education, the McGill Journal of Education, Theory and Research in Social Education, History of Education (UK) and Historical Studies in Education. She was a contributor to the History of the Book in Canada project, volumes Two and Three. She is currently conducting research on textbook production and provision in Canada, funded by a SSRC Standard Research Grant. She was also the 2006 recipient of the Marie Tremaine Fellowship from the Bibliographical Society of Canada. She is a member of the Editorial Board for the American Educational Research Journal.

Dr. Clark was awarded the Killam Faculty Teaching Prize in 2006. She received the BC Social Studies Teachers' Association Innovator of the Year Award in 2008. She is co-editor, with Roland Case, of two volumes published in 2008: Anthology of Social Studies: Issues and Strategies for Elementary Teachers and Secondary Teachers.

For a list of publications and additional information, see: